Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tru Dat

*Disclaimer...I got this idea from another blog and thought it was kinda cool:)

You have been a zombie for Halloween.
You have been a Disney character for Halloween.
You don’t celebrate Halloween.
You have your belly button pierced.
You have your tongue pierced.
You have your eyebrow pierced.
You have a Monroe piercing.
You have your nose pierced.
You have an ankle tattoo.
You have a wrist tattoo.
You have a back tattoo.
You have a side tattoo.
You have no tattoos.
You have more than 5 tattoos.
You straighten your hair.
You have worn a dress in the last 3 days.
You live somewhere that gets snow.
You celebrate Hanukkah.
You were at your own house last New Year’s.
You were at a bar last New Year’s.
You slept through last New Year’s.
You have worked on Christmas Eve.
You have worked on Christmas.

You have been told ‘I love you’ by someone today.
You were told by someone who’s not family.
You slept in your own bed last night.
You are dating the last person you kissed.
You regret kissing the last person you kissed.
You enjoyed your last kiss.
You are wearing a necklace right now.
You are wearing something red.
You are wearing something blue.
You are wearing something purple.
Your phone number ends with an even number.
You have kissed the last person you called/texted.
You are currently listening to music.
You are waiting for something.
You don’t like seafood.
You have eaten deer sausage.
You have given a complete stranger your phone number.
You have been hit on at work.
You have been hit on by someone more than 20 years older than you.
You have been whistled at.

You were creeped out by it.
You are a good speller.
You are very punctual.
You were dating someone in December of 2008.
You are still dating that person.
You have cheated on someone.
You have been cheated on.
You have been on a cruise ship.
You have camped out in your own backyard.
You are wearing something that doesn’t belong to you.
You are a Pisces.
You are a Leo.
You are a Capricorn.
You have Irish heritage.
You have Polish heritage.
You have Japanese heritage.
You have Israeli heritage.
You have German heritage.
You have French heritage.
You have Norweigan heritage.

You have Korean heritage.
You were born in May.
You were born in June.
You were born in August.
You wonder what will happen when you die.
You are afraid of the dark.
You write in all capital letters.
You have been told you have nice handwriting.
You have had a song written for you.
You have had a picture drawn of you.
You have curly hair.
You are wearing a watch.
You are wearing flip flops.
You wouldn’t date someone who smoked.
You know someone with the same birthday as you.
You are a morning person.
You are a night owl.
You slept in past 10am today.
You have big plans for next weekend.
You are thinking of someone right now.
Your job is stressing you out.
You don’t have a job.
You have never had a job.
You were fired from your last job.
You know sign language.
You made your bed today.
You will usually try something at least once.
You have been swimming in the last month.
You are pessimistic by nature.
You have taken a ballet class.
You have taken karate.
You have taken gymnastics.
You wish on shooting stars.
You wish at 11:11.
Your birthday has already come this year.
You have been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year.
You ended your last relationship.
Your ex ended your last relationship.
You are over your ex.
You have gone after someone you knew was bad for you.
You have let someone use you.
You have been in a physically abusive relationship.
You are engaged.
You are married.
You are divorced.
You have a child.
You were/are a teenage mom.
You were named after someone.
You like your name.
Your last drink was water.
You have visited somewhere said to be ‘haunted’.
You have skipped school just because you didn’t feel like going.
You have taken medicine when you ‘feel a headache coming on’.
You are self-conscious about your body.
You have a hangover.
You have had a Jehovah’s Witness show up at your house.
You have pet fish.
You live on a farm.
You live in a trailer.
You live in Montana.
You live in South Carolina.
You live in Illinois.
You live in Maryland.
You live in New Mexico.
You have godparents.
Your parents are still married.
You have step-siblings.
You are the oldest.
You are adopted.
You have a twin.
You don’t want kids.
You want more than four kids.
You have a bad temper.
You have made out with a complete stranger.
You usually make the first move in an intimate situation.
You regret losing your virginity.
You lost your virginity to someone the same age as you.
You lost your virginity to someone you were dating.
You lost your virginity before you were sixteen.
You have worked with a Kayla.
You have gone to the movies with a Jared.
You have hugged a Destiny.
You have held hands with a Marcus.
You have dated a Rachel.
You have kissed a Matt.
You have ridden in a car with a Nicole.
You have had class with a Patrick.
You have gone out to eat with a Chloe.
You know a Kyle in the military.
You are related to a Julie.
You have gotten drunk with a Brent.
You have broken your arm.
You have had to get stitches on your face.
You have had an MRI.
Your fingernails are painted.
Your fingernails are painted black.
You like to read.
You like to cook.
You like to draw.
You can play an instrument.

You keep a lot of secrets from people.
You don’t think people would accept you if they really got to know you.
You don’t trust people easily.
You borrowed something you really need to give back to someone.
You drive a car older than a 2002.
You have lost a friend you never thought you would.
You know a child who died of cancer.
You know a teenager who died in a car wreck.
You have done something illegal in the past 24 hours.
You have cut your hair in the last week.
You wear glasses.
You have been pulled over for speeding.
You love to drive with the windows down.

Your favorite season is Autumn.
Your favorite color is orange.
Your favorite animal is a dolphin.
You last rode in a car with a relative.
You last rode in a car with a girl.
You last rode in a car with the person you are dating.
You regularly watch soap operas.
You love Italian food.
You love Mexican food.
You love Chinese food.

Your best friend is older than you.
You have to go to school/work tomorrow.
You answered every question truthfully.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

He Came To My Rescue

I was "doing" my devotions and came across 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us." I would like to share my meditation on those verses with you.
God is full of mercy and comfort. Why would God want to use me to comfort someone else when He is the God of ALL comfort? Just that fact is an act of God's mercy in my life. Perhaps it is meant as more of a direction for my life. Yes, I should accept His mercy but He gives mercy and comfort to me so that I can give it to others in the same way. My past (hurts, failures, etc.) determines my future (ministry, etc.). What DO my past failures and hurts prepare ME for? In what area has God comforted me and granted mercy? Where has God come to my rescue? Those parts of my past that I would rather not talk about, that I am ashamed for others to find out about, that cause me pain to go back and examine closely are the very parts of my life that will open doors for future ministry. Attempting to hide those parts of me and God's rescue of them, steals glory from the God of all comfort.
I just want to close with a couple of quotes. One of them is from the book "The Secret of the Lord" by Dannah Gresh;
"When the glory of God touches the ugliest part of your life and uses it, there is no pride. Only awe."
That is self-explanatory. The second quote if from a song by Hillsong United titled Came To My Rescue;
"My whole life I place in Your hands, God of mercy, humbled, I bow down at Your presence - at Your throne. I called, You answered, and You came to my rescue . . . In my life be lifted high."
God is full of mercy. He will come to your rescue. I know because He came to mine.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's A New Year!

So, what does it mean . . . a new year? I have been thinking about it just a little bit as 2009 turns to 2010. And I haven't fully decided. I used to make a bunch of resolutions - you know, promises to yourself to do better in the areas of personal discipline - but I am not so sure that is what a new year should be all about. Not to say that resolutions are not good things to make. I think that thinking about what needs to change in the next year is a bit overwhelming but if I think about what needs to change today - well, I can do that (with God's help Phil 4:13).
Actually, there are a couple of decisions that I have made for this new year that may or may not lead to anything. One is that I have asked my parents to help me find a spouse. Yes, you are reading correctly! I think that it is time my family, and perhaps some of my friends, see what a Christ-honoring relationship looks like. Or maybe it's just that God wants me fully surrendered to Him - and if my parents are looking than I don't have to!
The second decision that I have made is actually born of the first. In talking with my dad about helping me to find a spouse, he said something that has made me stop and consider how I am choosing to live my life. He talked about being available to God and the opportunities placed in my path by yielding my members as instruments of righteousness to God (Rom 6:13). I realized that it is not about being completely surrendered to God next month or in two months - it's about being completely surrendered to Him in every area of my life - today, this minute, this second. Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically.
Being available means going to bed on time so that I can be the best possible teacher. Being available means doing my lesson planning before watching my favorite t.v. show. Being available means budgeting my finances so that I am free to give. Being available means strengthening my relationship with Jesus first and foremost - before all else. Not tomorrow - today, this minute, this second.
So, what am I waiting for? It's time to start now - this second!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Hey, everyone. It's Thanksgiving! Or rather the day after (if my clock is correct!). I am thankful for friends near and far, for ginger-spice cranberry-apple struesel pie, for a job, for my computer, for Christmas music, for my family (who are spread all over the U.S. and, soon to be, world), for a car that runs, for sleep (which I'll be meeting with shortly!), for my own room and bathroom, for sunny weather, for stupid t.v. shows that I can laugh at, and for a God who loves me no matter what.

What are YOU thankful for?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Still Homesick

I know that it has been awhile but I do have an excuse or a reason (whatever you want to call it) for not blogging since November! It's called "This is my first year as a teacher!" Amazingly, even though I have been insanely busy, I have still had time to be homesick. Today I have been feeling it especially, which is why I am writing on my blog. I was just thinking about my friends from home and all the things we did together. That was back when I had connections! Now I am living on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and I don't have those connections anymore! All the people that I know already have their circle of friends and, while not excluding me from things, they don't go out of their way to include me. Maybe I am just being silly and should just push my way into the circle but that is really not my style. I prefer to be invited and, sad to say, if I am not invited, I feel like I am not really wanted. I guess what I am trying to say is that I really miss being a necessary friend! If I wasn't here no one would really miss me. Enough moping! So . . . in thinking about all this, I pulled out the video that Rex Munyon so kindly made of the 2008 Beach Retreat on the Oregon Coast, watched it, and started to cry! I haven't cried like that for long time! I guess tears are good for the soul! (at least, I hope so!) The video started me thinking about not just the fun we had but also the fellowship. That is really something that I am dying for! I feel as though I am going to wither up and die in the area of fellowship! I have been reading Psalm 25 where it talks about the secret of the Lord and have been reminded how necessary to life communion with other believers is. It's a funny thing, fellowship. In order for it to take place, two people who are headed in the same direction need to talk about God and what He is doing in their life personally. Right now, I haven't really had alot of time for God. I am really striving to put Him first in my life but haven't succeeded very well so far. It's a difficult thing to do when other things scream for your attention louder, it seems, than He does. He just quietly and continually calls us to Himself and if we ever slow down or quiet down long enough - we can actually hear His voice. I need a renewal and don't know how I am going to get it! I need a friend, here, who will encourage me to be faithful to Jesus Christ and who needs a friend too. Any volunteers????!!!! To close, I would like to include the video that I talked about earlier. 2008 Beach Retreat Buddies - You're the greatest!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I must say that although Hawai'i is beautiful I am finding that I miss Washington very much! You would think that being on a warm island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean I would have nothing to complain about - right? I shouldn't complain - I really shouldn't - but I am in a complaining mood right now!
It's relatively early, on a Friday night, and what am I doing? Blogging! And why, you ask, am I blogging? Because there is nothing else to do! That's the way it is here. If there is nothing going on, you're stuck because there's nowhere else to go to find something that is going on! I'm on an island for heaven's sake!
It's not all bad though.
It's the end of October and I am sitting on the lanai in my shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops blogging! IN OCTOBER!!!!!!! When in most places people are wearing jackets, sweaters, and even gloves! So I guess I should count my blessings!
Speaking of blessings - this is what I get to look at every night from my lanai.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Laptop Computers Are Wonderful!

So, I finally got my laptop and I am loving it!
This means that I no longer have to stay at school to do my computer work. I can do it all here at home or in a coffee shop or at someone else's home or . . . you get the idea! I am so excited that I have not done any school work on it - yet! You know, all work and no play makes Abbey a dull girl!
I'll probably post some pictures on my facebook page of Hawai'i and the interesting things that I have seen so far.
One thing that I saw this morning when I went into the bathroom to take a shower was a Cane Spider. It was pretty early so I didn't have the presence of mind to get my camera. This thing was huge! It was about half the size of my hand and it was hanging out right where I wanted to go. Now, I don't touch spiders that big, if I can help it, so I scared it into a corner and kept one eye on it to make sure it didn't move before I got into the shower. When I was finished, I checked to make sure that it hadn't moved somewhere else before I got out!
My motto is: Live and let live! As long as the bugs don't bother me I am fine. Besides, Cane Spiders eat other bugs so we're not supposed to kill them!
This week at school is GIG week (GIG stands for Getting into God). Seeing as how I have never been through one before, I sometimes feel like a spectator rather than a participator. Though, I have been reminded once again that God never works like I expect Him to or like I think He will. God is so good to remind me that I do not have a corner on the market of predicting what God is going to do! Over the past couple of years that is the one thing that He has continued to bring to the forefront in my life. I am learning to appreciate each surprise He brings into my life.
Get to know your surprising God!