Tuesday, February 9, 2010

He Came To My Rescue

I was "doing" my devotions and came across 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us." I would like to share my meditation on those verses with you.
God is full of mercy and comfort. Why would God want to use me to comfort someone else when He is the God of ALL comfort? Just that fact is an act of God's mercy in my life. Perhaps it is meant as more of a direction for my life. Yes, I should accept His mercy but He gives mercy and comfort to me so that I can give it to others in the same way. My past (hurts, failures, etc.) determines my future (ministry, etc.). What DO my past failures and hurts prepare ME for? In what area has God comforted me and granted mercy? Where has God come to my rescue? Those parts of my past that I would rather not talk about, that I am ashamed for others to find out about, that cause me pain to go back and examine closely are the very parts of my life that will open doors for future ministry. Attempting to hide those parts of me and God's rescue of them, steals glory from the God of all comfort.
I just want to close with a couple of quotes. One of them is from the book "The Secret of the Lord" by Dannah Gresh;
"When the glory of God touches the ugliest part of your life and uses it, there is no pride. Only awe."
That is self-explanatory. The second quote if from a song by Hillsong United titled Came To My Rescue;
"My whole life I place in Your hands, God of mercy, humbled, I bow down at Your presence - at Your throne. I called, You answered, and You came to my rescue . . . In my life be lifted high."
God is full of mercy. He will come to your rescue. I know because He came to mine.

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